Saturday, January 26, 2013

Job and Life of Pi

I discovered something new about Person A (aka the fiance) just before we watched Life of Pi. Out of the blue, he shared his favorite passage in the Bible:

According to him the story of Job is one of the best stories to teach humility and I agree. And now it makes sense why he's one of the simplest person on the planet you'll ever meet. We indeed came to the earth with nothing and we will leave literally with nothing as well. Watching Life of Pi complements our random sharing and it's a well-spent Saturday afternoon.

We walked along Ayala, I was amazed by the shoots..... 

he thought I exclaimed "Schutz". I think I trained him well.

And there's an actual caterpillar along Ayala! I have mixed feelings about Makati these days... I like the place but we all have to move on.

Then he took this portrait of me with my point and shoot. It captures how I feel. 

Now back to Pi Patel and Richard Parker, it's a lovely story and most likely it will make you want to have your own Bengal tiger. I was never a cat person but an afternoon in a Bengal tiger sanctuary in Kanchanaburi, Thailand made me into a convert. Sharing with you Person A's photo of 2 adult tigers playing in the pond.

Here's my Richard Parker experience.

I can do this over and over again. 

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