Tim Tam - ang pambansang chocnut ng Australia.

I got dizzy after my second piece due to its strong chocolatey taste. I consider it a case of system shock.
Ang arte.
And chocolate truffles from the Margaret River Chocolate Factory.

Despite of its relatively poor packaging, the truffles are actually good. It has a delicate and subtle taste.
What's the difference between chocolates and truffles?
Chocolates are plain solid blocks made from cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk and other good stuff. Truffles on the other are chocolate with ganache fillings or any cream/chocolate/nut/fruit/liqeur filling. It resembles the truffle fungus, hence the name. The French invented it but I believe Belgians do it best.
I prefer truffles over chocolates because of its texture and the taste isn't overpowering. My favorite is Godiva Truffes.

It is Belgian and easy to obtain while in transit in most airports.
Locally, Mandarin Deli has a good truffle and chocolate selection while Patchi puts a lot of effort in their lovely, hand-crafted wrapping. You can also visit Chocolate Fire in Legazpi Village.
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