I believe this story started in 2002 when in a series of
discussions with my parents, I was convinced to retract my enrollment from the
blue school along Katipunan and headed straight to the maroon university a few
blocks down the road. If I did not do so, I would not meet this boy with the hexagonal
glasses in my Physics class in early 2004. As he was seated in front of me,
when the laws of motion got boring, I’d peer through his glasses to while the
time away without giving much thought on who he was, how he looked like and
without even thinking if I’d ever get to know him. At that time, I was
contented looking at the four corners of the room through his spectacles.
My next memory of this boy was in a Chemical Engineering class
where paradigm shift was widely taught. The professor gave numerous
competitions and every time, this same boy, seated 3 rows back, won the huge
chocolate bar. He shared his loots with the whole class hoping to get noticed
by this one cute girl who, by the way, was not me. Being the competitive person
that I am, I took note of this boy knowing that one day, I’d like to show him
that I can beat him in class. As fate would have it, this boy is one of the
best friends of my best friend’s friend and in the succeeding months, we found
ourselves hanging out in the same circle and even taking classes together with
our group of friends.

On the first day of my Natural Science class the semester
after, I looked for an acquaintance to seat beside with and I saw this same boy,
now more familiar, and was a comforting face in a crowd of university students.
With a smile, I claimed the seat
beside him and for the rest of the semester we shared stories, disappointments
and heartaches – all because we had heard the lessons before and our 3rd seatmate, who
happens to be his good friend, always skipped class. Had this seatmate been
diligently present in class, we would not have known each other too well by the
end of the term.
On the 3rd semester after that Physics class, the
boy with the hexagonal glasses was no longer a stranger, in fact he’s one of my
better friends whom I can talk and secretly compete with. Just to be clear,
I’ve never given up hope on defeating him academically. He never missed a visit
to the library whenever I spent my afternoons completing schoolwork while he’s
working as a student assistant in our home department. I’d be on the
frontlines cheering his band performances – barely beating the
dormitory curfew. It was purely platonic until my 20th birthday.
least from my end of the story. =P
On that day, I competed in a major college event late in the
afternoon and I had an important presentation in our Panitikang Pilipino class
in the morning. Among our friends, it was just the two of us in that class. By some
twist of fate, our professor had gone berserk and humiliated me in front of the
whole class! I was shell-shocked as it was my first time to be in that
situation. It was tough going through the presentation without emotionally
breaking down. When the class ended and the professor had left, I cried in the
room while the boy with the hexagonal classes awkwardly hugged me. As if it was the most natural thing to
do, he held my hand all the way to the university chapel to hear the 12-noon
mass. I did not care that he wasn’t someone romantically special; all I
care was he was my pillar of strength at that moment. Maybe he was there at the most opportune time.
My friends skipped class (read: naglaro ng baraha sa cafeteria) to support me that afternoon while
I prepared for the major presentation with my team of 5. My friends were our
loudest cheerleaders that night. In the meantime, the boy with the hexagonal
classes never left my side, he checked on me at the competitors’ area, brought
me food and from time to time held my hand. He even walked with me to the
auditorium when it was my team’s turn to pitch a marketing presentation. With
my partner, we breezed through our carefully orchestrated presentation and the
rest of team expertly answered the questions from the panel. When I got off the
stage, I looked for that familiar face in the crowd, smiled at him and gave him a nod. Off we went hand in
hand back to the competitors’ area.
Trivia: most of the photos in this collage were taken after the competition.
Our team placed second that night but more importantly, I
won the person who I spent the next 7 years with exploring the world, creating
beautiful memories, experiencing life wins and losses, holding each other’s
hand when we stumble and commit mistakes, learning life lessons along the way
and we both discovered that it is a day to day commitment to be the best person
that we can share to each other.
The Engagement
Lifetime commitment is not new to us. In fact, after my 20th
birthday, we took the time to discuss what we will share and what we expect
from each other. From Day 1, we knew that this relationship is going to be for
the long haul. Team-mates for life. One thing he loves doing is to ask me to
marry him in every new place that we visit together. He has asked in a grand
church, swanky building, the beach, different caves and even up on the
mountains and some remote forest. Most of the time, the question surprised me
but sometimes, I just beat him to it and it is I who asked the question. Just
because I want to beat him at anything I can.
12.12.12 is just another day. Person A and I took the day
off to celebrate the renewal of vows of my aunt.
The plan was from Makati, we
will use my car, which is on number coding restriction that day, and we will
change vehicle in Alabang before heading to Las Pinas. While I was getting my
hair and make-up done in the neighborhood salon, Person A secretly called both my
parents to ask their blessing on his proposal that afternoon.
At 1PM, I was already running late for the wedding and
flower girls should never be late for a wedding. I met up with him at my place
and when I saw him, he was sweating profusely. I just breezed through my place
and the next thing he knew, I was out of the door and ready to play hide and
seek with the MAPSA on a number-coding day. He initially planned to pop the
question at my place.
Seeing that he missed his chance, he planned to propose
before we reach the church and in my car – not in somebody else’s vehicle. Once
we successfully evaded the MAPSA, he asked me not to call my cousins yet until
we’re in Alabang. Being the worrywart that I am, I started calling my aunt and
2 cousins to inform them that that I will head straight to the church. I
finished the calls at the Skyway exit.
Then Person A gave me a card, it was one of the finest cards
I received from him. The last line was “I’d like to spend eternity with you”. I
was so touched that I told him “Awww…
Thank you… I am sorry that I don’t have anything for you especially that it’s
12.12.12, a special monthsary!”. I was wearing white jewelry as accessories
and thereafter Person A commented.
Person A: You have to
take off that piece of jewelry that doesn’t fit.
Me: Ay! This ba? *
holding my gold and green bangle
and took it off *
Person A: No, not that
I looked through my body and noticed the gold ring I wore
on my right ring finger.
Me: Ay, na-ooOC ka?
I’ll take it off.
All this happened while he’s driving at 60-80kph down the
skyway ramp. Then we continued the conversation.
Person A: Will you
marry me?
Me: * being used to this question * Of course!
Person A: Sure…?
You’ll marry me?
Me: Yes! *putting on my cutest face knowing that I feel pretty in my make up*
By this time, we were at the Alabang Viaduct and I just took
it as a typical question given that we’re in a travelling car and we’re running
late for a wedding. Then he asked again.
Person A: “Will you marry me, kahit may singsing na ako? * And while he’s left hand is on the
steering wheel, a ring magically appeared on his right hand *
Me: “Ooooohhhh my
I can’t remember the details that happened between the
Alabang Viaduct and the Asian Star Building. All I can remember is he put the
ring on, I told him it is very beautiful and there were a lot of “Oh my God!”, laughing, shrieking, tears welling in my eyes and probably the stupidest smile on my face. As he guessed, I never
answered the actual question (“Oh my God”
doesn’t equate to “Yes”, right?)
that’s why he planned to ask the first 2 questions without the ring just to be
clear that I agree to what he’s proposing.
At its face value, this story may not come out as the most
romantic but for the two of us, it is. Not everyone can claim 12.12.12 as her
engagement day, the sun was out and shining that day, Person A took the
step to ask permission from my parents before he asked the question and it
happened in the most natural setting, just the 2 of us going about our daily
lives. Personally, this is what marriage is all about, being the happiest with
your loved one devoid of all the distractions and material things in life.
Just He and I committing to each other.
For the record, I can claim that I got engaged a number of times in the most
beautiful of places and formally on the Alabang Viaduct at 60-80 kph. Haha! The latter is so panalo!
Once we reached the parking lot, we hugged and offered a
prayer to God. Then I cried because I was happy and no matter how many times I've been asked, it feels magical when the actual moment happens. Then we proceeded to a very
beautiful church in Las Pinas, our first church visit as an engaged couple. We
witnessed a heartfelt wedding and I walked down the aisle, as a flower girl.
I am excited to walk down the aisle once again but this
time, with the man of my dreams (naks!) waiting for me at the altar. Cheeseball!
We ended the day with a celebratory dinner: soup, steak and
all the pizzazz.
Who would have thought that his fancy dinner invitation at noon
would be to celebrate a very important milestone in our lives? I should have questioned why he made a reservation at a fancy steak house when we are to attend a wedding reception. Oh wait, I did but he said "Let's celebrate 12.12.12!". We winded down
the excitement with a cup of coffee at a nearby café and enjoyed Kitchie
Nadal’s performance for free.

I guess, God and the universe have a funny thing of planning
out our lives to craft the best and memorable stories to share. I never thought
that I’d be spending the rest of my life with the boy with the hexagonal
glasses. I still can’t fathom the thought that out of the 6 billion
people in the world, I’ll meet this person who is my perfect puzzle piece.
It was an awesome ride the past 7 years and if it is a preview to what’s in
store for the rest of our lives; triumphs, challenges, disappointments and that
most comforting hug at the end of the day, I can’t wait to start forever with
Person A.